We don’t like the media but the media like us!

A Video Game Can’t Tell You Why New York Times Headlines Suck, But It’s A Start

New York Times Simulator Is A Gripping Exploration Of Modern Media Pitfalls

I can’t make it 10 minutes in this free browser-based New York Times Sim without getting fired for commie agitprop
PC Gamer

The Future Behind Us | Ep. #5: Social Justice, Satire and Video Games

A new game parodies The New York Times’ Gaza coverage
Nieman Lab

From Consumers to Creators: Bridging Game Play and Playful Game Design for Impactful Civic Education
Analog Games Studies

The New York Times Simulator Is Not About Understanding the Press, but Changing It
Gamers with Glasses

How Green New Deal Simulator inspires hope in a climate changing world
Game Developer

From Pixels to Politics: How Video Games Can Inspire a Green New World

Life in the Ludic Century

Democratic Socialism Simulator – opening political discussion through a video game
Mixer Media

Rally up: How two artists founded an archive of games for protest events for a new era of political activism.
Edge Magazine November 2021

What is a game?
Game Industry Magazine

Notes on Online Exhibition: LIKELIKE

The Online Museum of Multiplayer Art turns the viewing experience into a game
Art in America

Between Progress and Pragmatism in Democratic Socialism Simulator
Unwinnable Monthly

Sounds Like Democracy To Me
Gamer Friends

Ready Worker One
The Popular Show

Může nám Animal Crossing ukázat, že jiný svět je možný?
Kapital (SK)

Play Steven Spielberg’s Interactive Movie Starring Quentin Tarantino

You can now play Steven Spielberg’s ‘Director’s Chair’ video game online

Il videogioco perduto di Spielberg con Quentin Tarantino e Jennifer Aniston è resuscitato
GQ Italia

Make Quentin Tarantino Go Insane in Reboot of Spielberg’s 1997 ‘Director’s Chair’ Video Game
Indie Wire

Direct Quentin Tarantino in Steven Spielberg’s Bandersnatch-esque game

You can now play Steven Spielberg, Quentin Tarantino, and Jennifer Aniston’s FMV game in your browser
AV Club

A Digital Trip beyond the World: Video Games as a Space for Speculative Design

How Tinder Inspired a New Genre of Political Video Games

Gamers of the World: Unite
Darts & Letters podcast

Censorship, cybersex and sheep at LIKELIKE’s Online Museum of Multiplayer Art
Rock Paper Shotgun

Pittsburgh art gallery turns its physical space into a digital den
Trib Live

Indie Game Recommendations
Washington Post

The game we didn’t know we needed to survive this primary season
LA Times

Socialdemocrazia negli Stati Uniti, utopia o videgioco
Il Manifesto

Democratic Socialism Simulator è il gioco giusto per scegliere il prossimo Presidente USA
Rolling Stone Italia

Run an America full of talking animals in Democratic Socialism Simulator
the Verge

Democratic Socialism Simulator, come diventare il primo presidente Usa socialista
Il Sole 24 Ore

This City Builder Asks You to Rebuild the World After Climate Devastation
Vice Games

Otevřené hlavy
Radio Wave, Czech Republic

Interview (print only)
Immersion Revue

Unmanned: a video game about the unseen horror of drone warfare
The Guardian

Opened world: erasing places
Haywire Magazine

The Division 2 and the Severing of Politics from Video Games
The New Yorker (quotes)

Interview (print only)
Neural 59: Pimping the eye. VR now

Dark side of smartphones
The Telegraph, India

An interview with LIKELIKE
The Rib Magazine

The game changers: meet the creatives shaking up the gaming world
The Observer – Guardian

Game Cube: On a New Media Gallery in Pittsburgh
Art in America

Breed the ‘Perfect Dog’ In This Satirical Game About Eugenics
Motherboard, VICE

Rencontre avec Paolo Pedercini

Quando il videogame non è più solo un gioco

Fünf Game-Designer, die ein Hauch von Revolution umweht
WIRED Germany

Socialism at play

Videogiochi Radicali

Opened World: Let’s Eat Capitalists
Haywire Magazine

Gamespace Urbanism: City Building Games and Radical Simulations
Failed Architecture

Радикалните игри на “Molleindustria” за малки и големи
BNT, Bulgaria

Videojuegos y el espíritu del capitalismo
Bit y aparte’ N.º 5

The Rib

These Designers Want to Keep Protest Alive via Games
VICE Waypoint

Videogames and the Spirit of Capitalism
Le Roy Magazine
[published article]

Shock Tactics: Perceived Controversy in Molleindustria Persuasive Games

Who Made Your Phone? Compassion and the Voice of the Oppressed in Phone Story and Burn the Boards
OLH  Postcolonial Perspectives in Game Studies

Gaze’ Tells Us VR Is Confining, Not Liberating

How to be anti-war when war is invisible?
Leap Magazine, issue 42
[published article]

Working at Play: Alienation, Refusal, and Every Day the Same Dream
First Person Scholar

Escapista era Houdini: Molleindustria y los juegos para enfrentar la realidad
The Real Escapist Was Houdini: Molleindustria and Games for Facing Reality
Mata Juegos

Molleindustria’s new game tackles the big questions

La innovación es un juego: videogames con contenido, el paso siguiente
La Nacion, AR

This SimCity-like game warns against unbridled development and gentrification

WorkZone: An artist’s take on the factory grind
Pittsburgh Post Gazette

Video game about gentrification lets you play the role of real estate speculator

Nova Alea, rivoluzione e speculazione
Nova – Il Sole 24 Ore, IT

Gentrify This
The Towner

Nova Alea: Il realismo magico della simulazione

El juego como acceso a la información
Pagina 12, AR

When Your Day Job Is Also Your Favorite Video Game
Motherboard, VICE

Nuit dada 2.0 au Cabaret Voltaire


Des jeux vidéo au service de la paix
Arte France

Let That Flag Know How You Really Feel With BooFlag
Paste Magazine

Click Here to Yell at a Confederate Flag
Vice Motherboard

Boo the Confederate flag until it burns in browser game BooFlag
The Verge

Apple removes games with Confederate flags
USA Today

Na igriv način do družbene kritike

Videoigre kot hrana za možgane

Homeopatsko zdravilo v obliki računalniških iger

Videoigrice za doseganje orgazma in igranje s Kristusom
Planet Siol

Let’s Play #2 Change the Rules
Arte TV

This browser extension wants to stop you from tweeting something you’ll regret
The Verge

Videogames: Not Just for Fun
International Business Times

To build a better mousetrap

The New Marxism Comes To Computer Games

La critica sociale è un gioco
Il Sole 24 Ore

When Gamers and Activists Collide
Yes Magazine

At the V&A
London Review of Books

Esportare videogames radicali dall’Italia a Pittsburgh
America 24

Games of Drones: The Uneasy Future of the Soldier-Hero in Call of Duty: Black Ops II
Surveillance & Society

Molleindustria, videojuegos con conciencia social
El Periodico

MultipliCITY makes a strong case that SimCity is capitalist hogwash

Come costruire la migliore trappola per topi
Il Sole 24 Ore

Juga a gestionar McDonald’s o ser un pilot de ‘drons’

Sawbuck Gamer celebrates the hardworking mice and dogs of the world
A.V. Club

Videogames: Not Just for Fun
International Business Times

The World’s Best Anti-Capitalist Video Games
VICE Motherboard

Játékba ágyazott ideológia – A Molleindustria politikai játékai
Media kutato

To build a better mousetrap

Be a good little capitalist with To Build a Better Mousetrap

Fat Cat Simulator
Rock, Paper, Shotgun

Tuer n’est pas jouer
Arte TV

Poking fun at trademark disputes with Trademarkville

TradeMarkVille imagines a world where all common words are trademarked

Molleindustria tackles illegal language with TradeMarkVille

Anti-Candy Crush Game ‘Trademarks’ All Of Your Words

Injecting the Real World Into Games
New York Times

Ethical commodities as exodus and refusal
Ephemera Journal

Why Are Developers Proud That Their Games Have Nothing To Say?

Cubicle culture and the potential of indie games to tell stories differently

Spil, kunst og provokationer
GameReactor (DK)

Playing Politics: The Backlash Against Topical Gaming
Rock Paper Shotgun

Når computerspil ikke må være sjove
Eurogamer (DK)

Killer Robots and Collateral Damage
The Escapist

2012’s Top 10 Games – The Best For The Family Holidays


Death by Joystick
Der Standard

How text-based war games are challenging representations of conflict
New Statesman

The Art of Play
Financial times

Unmanned presents a nuanced, psychological perspective on modern warfare
Ars Technica

‘Unmanned’ and the Rhetoric of Division

Unmanned Review
Jay is Games

Unmanned – A talk with Molleindustria about the politics of war games
Nightmare Mode

Computer Games I
BBC Radio Global business

Saving the World One Controller at a Time
The Takeaway, PRI

Phone Story. Un mobile game discute la mobile phone industry
Game journal (IT)

Kritische Computerspiele
Dradio Wissen (DE)

Unmanned: Excellence Through Boredom
Play This Thing

Indie zone – Unmanned review
The Games Machine May 2012 (IT)

Tjek: Her er det mest realistiske krigsspil til dato
Politiken (DK)

¿Sueñan los soldados con ovejas eléctricas?
El Pais (ES)

המשחק שיוציא לכם את החשק להיות מפעיל מל”טים
Haaretz (IL)

Phone Story: Das Anti-Handy-Spiel

Jeu Pépère s’en va-t-en guerre
Liberation (FR)

iPhone game to benefit Foxconn employee who attempted suicide

Former Foxconn worker becomes beneficiary of Phone Story money
Want China Times (Taiwan)

Giochi Radicali
Il Mucchio – 688 (IT)

Apple bans satirical iPhone game Phone Story from its App Store
Guardian (UK)

Apple Bans Phone Story Game That Exposes Seedy Side of Smartphone Creation

The tale of banned iPhone game ‘Phone Story’
USA Today

Banned From The App Store: An Anti-iPhone Game Complete With Foxconn Suicide Mini-Game
Tech Crunch

The Story Behind Phone Story, Apple’s Latest App Store Ban

Interview: Molleindustria On Phone Story’s ‘Objectionable’ Message

Apple bans app that shows ugly side of electronics

Apple bars smartphone-criticising game from App Store

Game That Critiques Apple Vanishes From App Store
New York Times

Apple Bans Anti-iPhone Game App
Huffington Post

Apple Bans Game Supporting Foxconn Workers’ Rights From The App Store
Cult of Mac

Infamous Anti-iPhone Game Goes To Android

Anti-iPhone-Spiel fürs iPhone verboten
Spiegel (DE)

Une application anti-Apple en vente sur iTunes

Le Nouvel Observateur (FR)

Une parodie ludique d’Apple retirée de l’App Store
Le Monde (FR)

The ugly side of Apple
New Zealand Herald (NZ)

Apple vs. Molleindustria: cosa c’è sotto, come potrebbe finire
Wired (IT)

Ethically opposed to smartphones? There’s an app for that
Irish Times (IR)

La Apple blocca Phone Story, il gioco-denuncia su come nascono i telefonini
La Stampa (IT)

Jeu vidéo : “Je perds donc je pense”
Le Monde (FR)

Every Game the Same Dream? Politics, Representation, and the Interpretation of Video Games
Dichtung-digital Journal

Religion im Computerspiel: Petraner versus Jakobaner

Questions à Paolo Pedercini Cofondateur de Molleindustria

Leaky World creators interview

Wikileaks stories
France 24 (FR)

Leaky World Presents a Playable Wikileaks Scenario
Paste magazine

Wikileaks entre en jeu
Ecrans (FR)

Storytelling 2.0: Exploring the news game
The New Scientist

Interview with Paolo Pedercini
Journal #3

An artist interview with Paolo Pedercini / Molleindustria
Emerging Language Practice Journal – University of Buffalo

Wikileaks game asks you to connect dots and stop leaks

Leaky World: First Wikileaks Game Is Based On A Julian Assange Essay
Motherboard / Vice Magazine

An Interactive Interpretation of WikiLeaks’ Theory of Conspiracy by Governance

The Theory of a Leaky World is Playable

“Leaky World”: Diskursives Videospiel
Netzpiloten (DE)

Analysis: Every Day’s Not The Same ‘Art Game’

Le mauvais jeu de la vie
Ecrans (FR)

A Videogame to Fight Cubicle Malaise
GOOD magazine

Every Day The Same Dream
The Millions

Play Oiligarchy and drill, baby, drill!
Mother Nature Network

Artistic Vision
Resolution Magazine (UK)

Escaping the suburb of the soul

Serious Games
Metropolis, ARTE TV

The Friday Game: Ergon/Logos

Wordplay: Ergon/Logos
Rock Paper Shotgun

Paolo’s Desert of the Real
Games and Journalism Georgiatech

Game taken offline after Islamic group complains
Associated Press (INTL.)

Jogo em que Jesus pode lutar contra Maomé causa polémica
Publico (PT)

Faith Fighter 2 Cancelled Due To Lack of Irony
play this thing

سحب “لعبة مصارعة “دينية” مخافة اغضاب المسلمين
BBC arabic (UK)

Faith Fighter 2: This Time, It’s About Respect
The Escapist Magazine (USA)

Muhammad vs. Jesus, now offline
Jerusalem Post (IL)

Islamic Group Forces Site To Remove Satirical Religious Video Game “Faith Fighter”
The Huffington post (USA)

Jezus bije sie z Budda
wirtualna Polska (PL)

Controverse rond religieuze vechtgame
De Telegraaf (NL)

‘Faith Fighters’ Developers Launch Sequel to Controversial Game
Christian Post (USA)

Religiosos censuran juego online
La Nacion (PY)

Banned Faith Fighter game gets a caring sequel
Times (UK)

Oiligarchy: A game with a message
Guardian (UK)

Free Play
Rhizome (US)

Llegó la hora de abrir el juego
Pagina 12 (AR)

Queer video game turns genre on its head
Xtra (CA)

Molleindustria, videogame rules as a political medium
Neural (IT)

Videospil om pædofile præster vækker vrede
Politiken (DK)

Who Says Video Games Have to be Fun? The Rise of Serious Games
Gamasutra (USA)

Creators Put Politics Into Video Games
Washington Post (USA)

The playful approach to political debate
The Guardian (UK)

Nettiaktivismia Mäkkärin kääreissä
Voima (FI)

Political Videogames against the Dictatorship of Entertainment
Readers edition (DE)

Gaming the System
New York Times (USA)

Video killers
Redpepper (UK)

Ecrans (FR)

Video Game Chastising McDonald’s Business Practices Too Good To Be True
MTV news (USA)

Molleindustria: farts d'”Els sims”
3XL (ES – català)

Activismo y juego, en una parodia inspirada en la multinacional McDonald’s
El Pais (ES)

Gamer wehren sich gegen Werbung
Der Standard (DE)

McDonald’s videogame, management simulation of a fast food giant
Neural (IT)

Hot off the Grill
Gamasutra (USA)

Video Games Are The Best Revenge
Business Week (USA)

Jeu. Simulation grinçante par des hacktivistes italiens.
Liberation (FR)

Flash-Spiel: Anti-Werbe-Spiel nimmt McDonalds aufs Korn
PC Welt (DE)

Games that stick it to ‘The Man’

Memory Reloaded
Springerin (AT)

CIAC Magazine (CA)

Videogame Art, changing software meanings
Neural (IT)

Hackers re-invent political protests
BBC News (UK)

Political Games
BBC World (UK)

The role of play
The Guardian (UK)

Playing up: an interview with Molleindustria.

WikiLeaks è un gioco globale
Repubblica (IT)

La critica videoludica di Wikileaks
Corriere (IT)

Leakyworld, il videogioco di Wikileaks
Rolling Stone (IT)

Leaky World: la critica videoludica di Molleindustria
Wired (IT)

Molleindustria: giocare provocando
Wired (IT)

Il dominio sul petrolio

Ciak, si gira – il set è nei videogame

Oiligarchy: l’affare più viscido che c’è
La Stampa (IT)

La fabbrica della Molleindustria. Intervista ai creatori di advergames made in Italy.
lib magazine

Faith Fighter & Co.: l’odio religioso e politico in un videogame

Combattere l’odio religioso, con un gioco
Corriere della sera

Operazione pretofilia: il gioco dello scandalo
Quotidiano net

Preti pedofili: videogioco online, proteste reali

Scherzi da prete

Chiesa/ Volonte’ (udc): governo oscuri ‘operazione pretofilia’

Pedofilia, calunnie on line alla Chiesa

Pedoweb, quel gioco contro il Vaticano
Punto Informatico

Operazione Pretofilia: la Chiesa, i pedofili, la satira e la censura
La Stampa

Videogiochi politicamente scorretti

Videogiochi d’attualità
La Stampa

Mc Donald’s è tua: distruggi o sarai distrutto

MolleIndustria, Quando il gioco si fa duro

McDonald’s videogame, simulazione gestionale di un colosso alimentare

Giochi scorretti
RAI3 Neapolis

I segreti dell’hamburger nel gioco di McDonald’s
il Manifesto

Il primo corteo dei lavoratori virtuale. Da casa o dall’ufficio

McDonald’s, un videogame lo critica
Punto Informatico

McDonald’s Videogame: La critica alle multinazionali passa per un videogioco
La Stampa

Intervista: La Molleindustria

Fare i cattivi è un gioco
D la repubblica delle donne

Videogiochi dal fronte

Procreazione assistita: Embrioni in fuga
La Stampa

La dottoressa Betty scongela gli embrioni
il Manifesto

Embrioni in fuga sul display Quando il videogioco fa politica
la Repubblica

Giochiamo per il sì

Embrioni in fuga

Giochi (ma mica poi tanto)

Quando il gioco si fa molle… i videogame diventano politici

Giochi ribelli
D – la repubblica delle donne

Molleindustria gioca duro

Il videogioco in Rete scopre la politica
La Stampa

Queer Power, il gioco dei sessi.

MolleIndustria, Quando il gioco si fa molle
La Stampa

Lavoratori bistrattati e finti orgasmi: in videogames

Videogiochi, tra finzione e reinvenzione della realtà

A Che gioco Giochiamo?