Where-next.com is an exciting gambling game. The most accurate prediction on where
terrorists will attack next wins. The definition of terrorist attack stands here for a
war action aimed at any civil target on any location thats not already involved in
a war of any kind, be it "officially" declared or intended as such by the U.S.
administration. Thus
consider a peaceful territory
where there have to be at least 10 random civil victims
48hrs (missing people will not be included).
The person guessing the right technique used (a bomb attack, a suicide
bomber, chemical weapons, etc.) and
getting closest to the location of the attack
, will be contacted by e-mail and will receive the exclusive
where-next.com T-shirt, showing the place and the time of the attack.
A new game will start after every successful attack.
Purchasing any banners on where-next.com is very easy and convenient participating at the auction currently running on Ebay.
The ad will be valid for one game at a time, or rather until the next
terrorist attack takes place. Buying ads on where-next.com then means,
showing faith in capitalism and its intelligence.
Where-next.com is a joint venture between guerrigliamarketing.it and molleindustria.it.
For informations write to info [at] where-next [dot] com
For insults and death threats write to hate [at] where-next [dot] com